Handling & Care Instructions
What to do if your leaf is too dry?
This can happen if your leaf is exposed to open air for an extended period of time, but don’t fret!

Spray your leaf lightly with water. Let sit approximately 5-10 minutes. Once the leaf is able to be handled without cracking, place it into the Original Fronto Leaf packaging. Wait for the leaf to absorb all the water. All leafs absorbs moisture at different rates, but typically become workable shortly after absorbing the water.
What to do if your leaf is too wet?
This can happen if your leaf has been moistened too much, over hydrated or stored in humid environment for an extended period of time, but once again DO NOT FRET.
Take the leaf out of The Original Fronto Leaf package and let air out in open air until the leaf reaches an acceptable moisture level. DO NOT LET IT DRY OUT.
Always Remember a Perfect leaf should be moist enough to handle without breaking or cracking, but not so moist to see visible water on the surface or on the hands while handling.